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 Newsy OpenCar app

Newsy is a national news network created created for people who aren't satisfied with getting only the loudest part of the story. We partnered with Newsy to design and build an app for our OpenCar platform. Below is the journey that the Newsy app went on from inception to completion. 

I was the lead designer on the Newsy project which went through multiple iterations and lived across multiple OEM profiles.

Newsy: Bio

 Newsy IA

The Newsy IA is a simplified version of their mobile app. Some features include set up but only when the car is stopped, quick news and customized news topics.

Newsy: Bio
newsy ia.png
Newsy: Products

 Newsy Wires

The flows below are the top stories flow and the watchlist set up flow.

Newsy: Bio
newsy top stories.png
newsy setup.png
Newsy: Products

Newsy Visuals

The visuals are a combination of the Carbon 2 profile and the Newsy brand. The flows below represent the customization of your personal news station, the browse scenario and instant news.

Newsy: Bio
Newsy: Work
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